Komunikat o błędzie
Error generating document: Failed to generate PDF: 'font_display' is not a recognized CSS property., '_webkit_font_smoothing' is not a recognized CSS property., '_moz_osx_font_smoothing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'font_display' is not a recognized CSS property., '_webkit_font_smoothing' is not a recognized CSS property., '_moz_osx_font_smoothing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_wrap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_direction' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_wrap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_wrap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'object_fit' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'object_fit' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'animation_name' is not a recognized CSS property., 'animation_duration' is not a recognized CSS property., 'animation_delay' is not a recognized CSS property., 'animation_timing_function' is not a recognized CSS property., 'object_fit' is not a recognized CSS property., 'gap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_wrap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_direction' is not a recognized CSS property., 'filter' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'filter' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., '_webkit_box_shadow' is not a recognized CSS property., '_moz_box_shadow' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_shadow' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., '_webkit_box_shadow' is not a recognized CSS property., '_moz_box_shadow' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_shadow' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., '_webkit_box_shadow' is not a recognized CSS property., '_moz_box_shadow' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_shadow' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_direction' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_direction' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_direction' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_wrap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'stroke' is not a recognized CSS property., 'fill' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., '_webkit_box_shadow' is not a recognized CSS property., '_moz_box_shadow' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_shadow' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_wrap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'object_fit' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_direction' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_direction' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_direction' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_direction' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_direction' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_direction' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_direction' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'gap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'gap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_wrap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'gap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_direction' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_direction' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'gap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_self' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'row_gap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'row_gap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_direction' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'filter' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_wrap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'row_gap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'row_gap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., '_webkit_box_shadow' is not a recognized CSS property., '_moz_box_shadow' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_shadow' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'row_gap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'row_gap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'row_gap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'row_gap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'row_gap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'row_gap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'gap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'gap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_direction' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_wrap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'gap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'gap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'gap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_direction' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_direction' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_direction' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_direction' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'grid_template_columns' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_direction' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized 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'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'object_fit' is not a recognized CSS property., 'object_fit' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'object_fit' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_wrap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_wrap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_wrap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'gap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'pointer_events' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_wrap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_direction' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., '_webkit_box_shadow' is not a recognized CSS property., '_moz_box_shadow' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_shadow' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'object_fit' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_wrap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'gap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_wrap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'flex_wrap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'gap' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'pointer_events' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'object_fit' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'transition' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'box_sizing' is not a recognized CSS property., 'justify_content' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., 'align_items' is not a recognized CSS property., The CSS selector 'article :not(.node--type-main-page) .paragraph--type--tiles' is not valid, The CSS selector 'article :not(.node--type-main-page) .paragraph--type--tiles' is not valid, The CSS selector 'article :not(.node--type-main-page) .paragraph--type--tiles' is not valid, The CSS selector 'article :not(.node--type-main-page) .paragraph--type--tiles' is not valid, The CSS selector 'article :not(.node--type-main-page) .paragraph--type--tiles' is not valid